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“Rebound” Vegan Ranch Dressing Recipe

This raw, gluten-free vegan ranch dressing recipe is only 78 calories per serving and loaded with the good fat. The buttery cashew and coconut base teams up with the same savory spices that gives ranch is winning flavor plus the superspice  turmeric, the Indian root known to help prevent heart disease, Alzheimer’s and cancer.

Rebound Vegan Ranch Dressing Recipe

Makes 12 Servings


1c Raw Cashews, soaked for 2-5 hours
1/4c Apple Cider Vinegar
1/2c Coconut Milk
1/4c fresh Green Herbs (dried is ok but either way dill is a must)
1 Clove Garlic
2tb Tamari or Braggs Liquid Aminos (Soy sauce does work but if it’s not organic and MSG free, it’s not worth it)
2t Grade B Maple Syrup (or raw agave syrup)
2t Black Pepper (the extra black pepper helps to activate the healing properties of the turmeric.)
1tb Ground Turmeric (if you can find a 5 inch piece of fresh grated turmeric even better, you won’t get the color but you’ll get even more of the benefits of this super root)


1. Stir vinegar into the coconut milk and let stand for 15 minutes to thicken up

2. While your milk mix is reaching buttermilk status drain cashews and set water aside.

3. Blend your cashews till creamy, if the mix is too thick add the soak water back in little by little till you have a thick sauce. Hold on to that soak water!

4. Your milk mix should be ready now so add that to the cashews and add remaining ingredients

5. Finally, blend till creamy and add more soak water for desired consistency. If you’d like a dip or spread add as little soak water as possible.

6. Store it in your mason jar in the fridge and remember garlic ages so expect a spicier sauce each day!


Keeps for about a week


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